Ein Abschnitt, der den Schießwaffen, Pistolen und Gewehren gewidmet ist, die für ein hohes Maß an ballistischer Genauigkeit entwickelt und gefertigt werden.
In unserem Katalog sind verschiedene Reproduktionen von spezifischen Waffen für unterschiedliche Schießsportarten zu finden: Long Range, Schießen mit historischen Vorderladern, Wurfscheibenschießen, Indoor-Schießen und Cowboy Action. Diese Kategorie von Waffen zeichnet sich durch Gewehre und Pistolen aus, die sich durch ihre besonderen Schaftkonfiguration, die mitgelieferten Zielhilfen, das Kaliber oder einfach die historische Referenzepoche unterscheiden. Verschiedene Schießsportarten finden in den Waffen von Pedersoli das perfekte Instrument, um auf internationalem Niveau herausragende Ergebnisse zu erzielen; es gibt inzwischen Dutzende von Medaillen und Rekorden, die von Schützen aller Welt mit unseren Vorderlader- und Hinterladerpistolen und -gewehren gewonnen wurden.
Long range shooting
Find out the productsLong range target shooting is a fascinating sporting discipline where the shooter has to hit targets over long distances. In the Pedersoli world there are several high-level ballistic rifles with such precision to make envy the most modern guns. The Sharps rifles, the High Wall models or the Gibbs muzzle loading rifle are just some of the rifles in the Pedersoli catalog specific for long range target shooting.

Muzzleloading shooting
Find out the productsShooting with black powder guns combines the beauty of history with the technique of target shooting. Flint and percussion muzzle-loading guns or revolvers find their place in this discipline according to their era or specific building techniques. The competitions are divided by distances from 25 meters and 50 meters up to 1200 yards.

Indoor shooting
Find out the productsMore than a shooting discipline, it is an experience. Thanks to a conversion nipple for muzzle-loading guns and specific brass cases for revolvers, some models can be used without powder and with specific polymer balls. An ideal solution for training, preparatory to competitive performance, it can be particularly effective to pay attention to the shooting position, breathing, and the adjustment of the trigger. Furthermore, if the training is aimed at Cowboy Action shooting, the shooter's instinct will find greater benefit.

Clay target shooting
Find out the productsClay pigeon shooting is also a possible discipline with muzzle-loading shotguns. In fact, disciplines such as Manton and Lorenzoni are practiced respectively with flintlock and percussion shotguns with the launch of 50 clay pigeon plates each with different competition specifications. Pedersoli shotgun muzzle loading models such as the Gibbs or the Mortimer are perfect for these disciplines. With a muzzle loading shotgun you can!

Western Target Shooting & Cowboy Action Shooting
Find out the productsHistorical dynamic sport shooting with historical reference to the period from 1830 to 1915. Cowboy Action Shooting is a discipline originating in the United States codified by the "Single Action Shooting Society", in Italy by the "Old West Shooting Society". Among the Pedersoli models suitable for this discipline we find the Pedersoli 'Lighting' Pump Action and Doc Holliday Single Action.