News and Events
The competitive results in the various international competitions continue to increase the prestige of Davide Pedersoli, guns and accessories sales. A palmares from year to year more and more gratifying and a pride for Davide Pedersoli to be a leading company, worldwide, in the field of muzzle-loading gun reproductions and accessories. In this section, in addition to the report of the world championships in recent years, the exhibitions and national hunting and competitive events are also presented.
A Record-Breaking World Championship for Davide Pedersoli Replicas
Almost one in two shooters used Pedersoli gun reproductions at the 30th World Championship of the Muzzle Loaders Associations International Committee (MLAIC) in Valeggio sul Mincio, held from August 25 to 31. According to detailed statistics released yesterday by the National Confederation of Arquebusiers (CNDA), 326 out of 852 shooters used Pedersoli replicas.
Environmental Certification ISO 14001 obtained
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass unser Unternehmen in diesem Jahr das Umweltzertifikat ISO 14001 erhalten hat,
Phishing alert and suspicious requests
Dear Customer,
We would like to draw your attention to an extremely important safety issue. We must warn you about phishing attacks and suspicious requests from third-party sites that could put your personal and financial information at risk.
The 5th MLAIC Grand Prix of Italy - Memorial "Alberto Ferrerio"
The 5th MLAIC Grand Prix of Italy - "Alberto Ferrerio" Memorial: An Epic Celebration of the Ancient Art of Shooting
13st MLAIC Long Range World Championship 2023
Vesprèm - Ungarn. Sommer 2023.
Vom 27. August bis zum 2. September fanden die 13. MLAIC Long Range World Championships statt.
29th World Championship M.L.A.I.C.
Pforzheim - Germany. Summer 2022.
After 2 long years marked by a world-wide pandemic filled with catastrophe, limitations, deprivations, and social upheaval, we were finally able to hug old friends and meet new ones, the MLAIC athletes who proved themselves, once again, competing at two different European locations, during the summer month of August 2022.
19 Medals for Davide Pedersoli in the CNDA National Championship
Valeggio sul Mincio - Italy. Summer 2020.
Great Successes at the CNDA National Championship for Davide Pedersoli.
18th European Championship M.L.A.I.C.
Sarlospuszta - Hungary. Summer 2019.
After an hour of flight and a quick trip by car, we reach Sarlospuszta, a quiet Hungarian town close to Budapest, where the European Muzzle Loading Championships have started a couple of days ago.